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Processing the Importance of Computing

In 2016, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg praised PM Lee Hsien Loong for being “one of the only world leaders who knows how to code”. PM Lee is a strong advocate for Coding and Computing, frequently calling for the next generation to “be exposed to programming, as Singapore develops its “Smart Nation” technologies to help citizens lead efficient lives.” Today, technological advancements and the emergence of data analytics have radically transformed the way we live, work and play. According to the World Economic Forum, we are currently in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which brings together the advances of AI, Robotics, IoT, Machine Learning and other technologies. Computing operations integrate the use of software and hardware, creating new artefacts to address real-world problems. Virtually every electronic product operates on a computational core, bringing benefit and convenience in this age of systems integration and cloud computing. Parents should take note of rosy career prospects in the sunrise industry of Computer Science. Private Computing tuition can ensure that your child is fully prepared to thrive in this up and coming field. 


Computing in MOE’s STEM Curriculum


Given the importance of the subject, the Ministry of Education (MOE) has incorporated Computing in its STEM (Science, Technologies, Engineering and Mathematics) curriculum. It equips students with strong computational thinking skills to remain relevant and competitive within the field. Parents should see the growing importance of Private Computing tuition as Singapore will need stronger computational capacity and people with competent computational thinking skills to automate and streamline processes, work with data, like images and text, to identify trends and draw inferences, and derive hypotheses. For example, it will be an asset to acquire the ability to use a computer to analyse data to predict market and business trends, understand economic conditions and build participatory relationships with clients in the digital environment. This will push innovation in fields like medicine, science and engineering, making those with a Computing background highly sought after. 


As such, students who take Computing for GCE ‘O’ Level and ‘A’ Level will have a stronger foundation in computational thinking that can help them further studies and careers. This Channel NewsAsia article highlights the high demand for STEM graduates which includes the Computer Science field. 


The Future is Tech: Commence Computing Tuition Early! 

Just like a language, Computing knowledge and skills should be imparted at an early age. The earlier a child learns to program, the earlier they gain a deeper understanding of the logic behind the programming sequences. Looking at some of the most successful men within the technology field, they all boast the advantage of having early exposure. These include Zuckerberg, Gates and Jobs who each attained an incredible amount of success at a fairly young age. An early exposure to Computing knowledge and skills will nurture an innate interest in the field, raising students to be more analytical and discerning in the subject. This will prove to be an advantage not only in school but in the competitive arena of Computer Science. 

Decrypting the Complicated Subject of ‘Computing’

In simple terms, coding sets tasks for the computer to perform, using programming languages such as HTML, specifically designed to give step-by-step instructions to a computer to perform a task. Computer codes are so pervasive that they are virtually in every smartphone, tablet and other computer devices. Coding is structural and forms the backbone of the software. 

The Computing Syllabus is crafted around 4 main modules: 

  1. Data and Information, including data management and ethical issues
  2. Systems and Communications, including data communication 
  3. Abstraction and Algorithms, which includes writing algorithms for basic problems
  4. Programming, which introduces various programmes such as HTML, CSS and Python


The most challenging content in the syllabus is understanding coding languages such as HTML, CSS and Python. HTML structures content and defines it as headings, paragraphs, or images. CSS, is a presentation language created to style the appearance of content, such as fonts or colours.


Python, on the other hand, is a high-level programming language. It allows students to focus on core functionality of the application by taking care of common programming tasks. Its uses vary from testing Intel microchips at Intel to powering social media websites like Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Python code is mostly used to run simple jobs while another programming language is used to do more complicated tasks. Private Computing tuition ensures that your child has a good exposure and grasp of computing programs like Python. 


O Levels Computing Syllabus

Source: GCE O-Level Computing Syllabus 2020 (Page 4) 


Computing was first introduced as a new O-Level subject in 2017. The O-Level syllabus consists of one theory paper and one practical paper. The theory paper encompasses a range of different questions and rigorously tests student’s knowledge and application of concept. The practical paper has a trouble-shooting component, assessing the student’s ability to correct and fine-tune programming scripts. To do well, students will require ample practice and supervision from a qualified private Computing tutor. Yahoo Singapore has noted the uptake in tuition assignments for this subject. 

Source: MOE O-Level Computing Syllabus (Page 26)


The 3 main assessment objectives of the examination include: (a) Knowledge and Understanding, (b) Application of Knowledge, and (c) Development, Testing and Refining. Knowledge and Understanding is the highest component and thus students should be in the habit of constant revision in order to do well. Application refers to their ability to apply different concepts to different scenarios, as presented primarily in paper one. Developing and Testing refer to the technical skills that students need to master in order to excel in their practical for paper 2. 


A Level H2 Computing Syllabus

Source: GCE A-Level H2 Computing Syllabus 2020 (Page 3)


Like the GCE O-Level paper, the GCE A-Level examination has one theory and one practical paper. A private Computing tutor will ensure that the foundation from secondary school is carefully built upon to ensure that the student exceeds expectations for this subject. Computing is a difficult subject to solely rely on a school teacher or their own learning capabilities. Investing in a qualified allows students to receive undivided attention so that they can improve quickly. This will leave more time for them to focus intensively on weaker areas. 


Nanyang Academics: Troubleshoot Your Computing Grades!

Computing is a highly specialised subject. It is important that you find a qualified and competent tutor to ensure that every tuition dollar is well spent! At Nanyang Academics, we have vetted and approved only the most skilled tutors. Private Computing tuition focuses on content mastery and exam preparation to prime students for GCE ‘O’ and ‘A’ Levels. Our Computing tutors will be able to reinforce the application and integration of key concepts, ensuring the students improve significantly in the shortest time.


Request for a Private Computing tutor today!